June 1st, 2021 at 12:38 pm
The new Graphcat for WordPerfect 2021 is available right now. I’ve added support for Corel WordPerfect 2021, and there is full support for the Windows 10 version 21H1.
As usual, half-price upgrades are available for purchasers of ANY previous version of Graphcat, all the way back to 1991 and WordPerfect 5.1/DOS; contact me for discount orders, and include your contact information as it would have been at the time of your most recent order.
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June 1st, 2021 at 12:34 pm
WordPerfect has broken their new release cycle. For many years, there’s been a new release every two years in the Spring, up through version X9. Last Spring, there was WordPerfect Office 2020, and now there’s already a new version, WordPerfect Office 2021.
The feature list is here:
New features include enhancements to Microsoft Office compatibility, document stats, Quattro Pro search, PDF import, and corporate environment use, which they describe as improved performance and stability when using files directly on a server.
I’m testing the 2021 product. So far, here’s what I’ve seen:
The install worked, no issues. I ran my tests through a remote computer, editing documents and macros over a network, and it behaved as it should. The product layout is unchanged, and still has the very logical menu layout, mostly verbs, including View, Insert, Format, and so on that has been in-place since at least WordPerfect 7. Reveal Codes is still there, and the keyboard shortcuts are unchanged.
In the Help menu, Reference Center, I like the new Quick Reference Cards. The full manual for WordPerfect Office is also available there. Both are downloaded as PDF files. A smaller version of the manual is available here:
WordPerfect manual (pdf)
PDF import is greatly improved. There are a few import options to try for complex documents, and they mostly affect how graphics are imported, either as OCR (text conversion), or as an image (if WPG format), or as a box if they they’re JPG, with a “JPG2000 and JBIG2 image formats are not supported.” message. I loaded a complex instruction manual; the resulting document had the original formatting, and was editable. Embedded links in a table of contents did not transfer over, even when importing a PDF that was originally created in WordPerfect. PDF import is still only in the Professional and Standard editions, and is not available in Home & Student.
The improvement in document stats is that character counts are now shown with and without spaces. Not a major change.
The Oxford Concise Dictionary is included now, and listed as new, but it’s been in some WordPerfect editions for years. It’s now included in all editions: Professional, Standard, and Home & Student.
As in every version of WordPerfect since 5.1, all the way back in 1991, there has to be a photo catalog program that creates an image index as an editable WordPerfect document, and my Graphcat Photo Cataloger package has been the standard now for nearly 30 years. Last year’s version of Graphcat, version 6.6, added support for WordPerfect 2020, but an update will be required for WordPerfect 2021. There will be a new version, very soon. (Edit: Available NOW)
Buy the new WP?
My initial impressions are good. If you’re using WordPerfect older than X7 in Windows 10, yes, buy it. Check the Product Family list first to be sure you are buying the edition with the features you need. There’s a free trial (30 days) available at WordPerfect.com.
Compare product family, Pro vs Standard or Home & Student (pdf)
For users of X7 through 2020, check the new features list to see what you gain:
Compare versions X7 through 2021 (pdf)
*Links to WordPerfect are subject to change. If in doubt go directly to https://WordPerfect.com.
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June 19th, 2020 at 10:07 am
There’s a new Graphcat, adding support for the new WordPerfect 2020 just released by Corel.
WordPerfect 2020 adds OpenDocument format for WordPerfect documents, more EPUB eBook options. There’s a list of new features at WordPerfect.com
Graphcat 6.6 now runs in WordPerfect 2020, with support for all versions back to WordPerfect 10. (Older version support is available free to registered users on request, all the way back to WordPerfect 5.1, from back in 1990.)
Half-price upgrades from previous versions are still available; ask for a discount code on the contact page, and be sure to include your contact information from when you originally purchased Graphcat.
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June 9th, 2020 at 12:54 pm
There’s a new version of WordPerfect, and the numbering has changed to the year, so moving on from version X9, Corel has released WordPerfect 2020. There’s more information over at WordPerfect.com.
Graphcat 6.6 will be released soon, adding support for WordPerfect 2020. Free upgrades will be sent automatically to all purchasers of Graphcat since March 1st, 2020. Half-price upgrades will be available to all previous paid users.
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June 8th, 2018 at 11:33 am
Corel has released version X9 of WordPerfect Office X9. It’s available immediately in download versions, and by the end of June as a boxed product.
Graphcat has been upgraded, and version 65. is now available, adding support for creating photo and clip art catalogs in every version of WordPerfect up through the brand-new Corel WordPerfect Office X9.
Half-price upgrades are available for Graphcat, for any purchaser of WordPerfect, ever, all the way back to 1991. Ask for a coupon code; please include your contact information at the the time you purchased Graphcat so that we can look up the original purchase.
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May 23rd, 2016 at 12:32 pm
News: Graphcat for Corel WordPerfect X8 is available now.
Bought Graphcat in 2016: You get a free upgrade! Bought ANY past version: You get a half-off discount!
Contact Science Translations for upgrades. Include your contact information as it would have appeared at the time of your original purchase of Graphcat.
Graphcat 6.40 adds support for Corel’s new version X8 of WordPerfect, and for Windows 10.
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April 26th, 2016 at 7:51 am
The new X8 version of WordPerfect is available at Corel now:
No press release from Corel as of today, but on that same page, there’s a comparison chart of features by version.
These items are showing up as new in X8:
APA, MLA and Turabian Writing Templates
Increased levels of Undo
Function Key template macro
Dock Reveal Codes to any side of the screen.
Template preview and over 150 templates induded. (Yes, the document escaped WordPerfect’s spell check with ‘induded’ intact.)
As most users will be upgrading from versions older than X7, there are more features that were added in recent versions, look at the ‘Compare Versions’ link on the page above for the full list.
Graphcat Photo Cataloger will be updated to run in WordPerfect X8, and discounted upgrades will be available. More on that later.
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August 27th, 2015 at 12:48 pm
Corel Painter 2016: New Paint Program Redefines the Industry’s Most Expressive Digital Art Experience with 131 New Brushes, Boosted Performance, Streamlined Workflow and Enhanced Learning, Corel Painter 2016 is a Dramatic Leap Forward, Continuing to Set the Standard in Digital Art.
Corel® Painter® 2016, the latest version of the industry’s most powerful and creative professional digital paint program. Painter 2016 continues to push what’s possible in digital art with new, innovative brush technologies such as Audio Expression and Dynamic Speckles, impressive performance enhancements, and improvements to the interface and learning content that give users more power to be productive and unleash their true creative identity.
New Features in Corel Painter 2016 Enable Concept Artists, Illustrators, Photographers and Graphic Designers to Express Themselves in the Most Authentic Way Possible:
- NEW Audio Expression: Brushes that react to sound. Users can play music in the background or directly from a computer to modify the size, angle and color variability of any brush.
- NEW Special Media Mixing: New dab types use particles and either Liquid Ink, Watercolor or Impasto to create more realism in brushstrokes than ever before.
- NEW Paper and Flow Map Rotation: Change the angle of paper textures and flow maps to get unprecedented variety of brushstrokes, achieving looks only previously possible in the traditional art world.
- NEW Blending 2.0: Improved blending across both layers and media types makes it possible to edit blending brush variants easier, faster and smoother than before and without white fringes on the canvas.
- ENHANCED Document Views: Easily switch between Default, Single Document and Presentation views to focus on certain elements of the interface.
- ENHANCED Content Sharing: Share content easily with the ability to export all custom brushes, papers, patterns and flow maps to a custom Toolbox (BOX) file.
Pricing and Availability:
Painter 2016 is available in full for $429 USD, and $229 USD for the upgrade. It is available in English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese Traditional. Both download and box versions, along with free 30-day trials, are available at painterartist.com/2016.
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December 30th, 2014 at 2:09 pm

SoftwareKnowledgeBase, or SoftwareKB.com, has a whole new look, and a new approach to free software downloads. Software downloads should only come directly from the publisher of a program; that’s the best way to avoid wrappers and adware tagging along with your downloads. SoftwareKb’s links go the publisher sites, direct, and show what country they’re in. There are no mystery downloads wrapped in an “offers manager” to provide “helpful” (actually dangerous) add-ons. Download directly from authors and publishers, only at SoftwareKB.com.
SoftwareKB is cross-platform, and mobile-enabled.
The Software Knowledge Base also includes:
- Software News
- Wrappers Gallery: See What software downloads look like when they’ve been tampered with.
- Definitions: Learn about PUPs, wrappers, monetizers, and and adware model. Knowledge leads to safe downloading.
- Articles on Software Safety
Software Knowledge Base / SoftwareKB.com is a project of Science Translations.
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May 13th, 2014 at 2:26 pm
Corel released WordPerfect X7 in April. Graphcat, the ultimate photo cataloger for WordPerfect for the past two decades, has once again been upgraded, and now supports WordPerfect X7, along with Windows 8.1, in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. The installer is updated as well, and auto-detects all versions of WordPerfect, and adds Graphcat to any or all of them.
Graphcat creates editable photo catalogs. You can adjust the size of images, borders, centering, naming, page size, and more. And the catalogs are editable, using WordPerfect graphic styles, so that the entire catalog of images can be resized at once, or have nearly any image option changed for every thumbnail in the album at once.
Graphcat requires any version of WordPerfect, now including WordPerfect Office X7.
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